Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27: No Group Meeting!

Hooray! Group meeting can definitely bring out the worst in me. By the time one and a half hours rolls by, I get cranky and I have trouble focusing on whoever in our group is giving a presentation. So, on Tuesdays when it's cancelled, I'm really happy!

Today's vignette is about a favorite, and shamelessly dorky hobby I have: crocheting. I know there's been a big revival for knitting and crocheting in the last few years, but I'd like to point out that my momma showed me how to do this loooong before it was fashonable. I will say, however, that I didn't get good at it until later in high school and college.

This is a baby blanket I've been working on for the past year or so. I have a tendency to put stuff down and forget about it for an eternity. It was supposed to be for one of Tony's army buddies back in San Antonio. Oopsies. Anyway, I'm trying to finish it up now, so I'll have one on hand whenever the next baby I know comes into the world. 

I'm pretty confident it won't be my own, but I've been know to eat my words.

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