Sunday, December 23, 2012


Well, it's official: I've got some letters behind my name saying that I willingly dragged myself through hell and made it out alive (barely).

To me, the whole thing is becoming a blur. I'm guessing I should be grateful for this memory lapse--that I shouldn't take for granted how my body is doing me a favor by wiping the slate clean. I will say that I'm sure glad  writing my thesis and defending it is over. I will never have to do that again, and I am resting in that hard fact.

My mother and father traveled from Ohio to see my public seminar, and support me during this final step.   Tony's family was also planning on attending, but due to some emergency medical issues, remained in Missouri and sent their love from afar. I felt like a marathon runner whose buddies carried him the last few hundred feet. My feet were skittering on the pavement, while they gripped my waist and ran for me. I would have not made it without the direct support of my husband, family and close friends. I had my faith in God restored during these last, grueling moments as a graduate student. I believe He worked in the hearts of people I would have not expected to encourage me (people from my past, who I have not had contact with for months, and in one case, years).

There were so many tears and mini-breakdowns in the last couple of months. In retrospect, I'm actually impressed that I made it through. My favorite analogy, which is adapted from a coworker, is that I was like a balloon in a cactus patch. Any sudden or slight change in the wind would make me "pop" and question my ability to finish.

All this to say, I'm done! I have a doctorate in chemical biology. I've proven to my peers and my mentors that I'm pretty smart, and I'm capable. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of my life, and being in a different community of brilliant people. I'll certainly miss the majority of the people I worked with in my lab and my friends in the graduate program, but it's time for me to move on to something new. I feel electrified with excitement for what is to come.

I've put together a few photos from my defense, and the mini-shindig I had the day afterwards. Thank you so much to those who carried me those last few feet. You are forever my heroes.

A few photos were taken with my title slide. I wasn't profusely sweating yet...

Mom, Dad and Me!

Sweet Tones. I just love him so much.

In the thick of my presentation! This was the last photo Tony took, as he noticed the flash was bothering me :)...

My lab had a sweet celebration after my committee was done with me. I was gifted an awesome bowling shirt with "Doc" embroidered on it from one of my mentors!

Our little pavilion in Kit Carson Park was a nice (but chilly!) place to celebrate with a BBQ!

Amber made me a picaken. I made one for her defense, too! For those of you not familiar with a picaken, it's a pie baked inside of a cake. And yes, it is incredible.

Sweet friends and family--so thankful for all of them!