Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 117-119: I'm just fulfilling your need for randomness

Day 117:

My basil plants survived my pesto adventure...hurray! Hopefully they'll grow back up soon so I can begin to use basil in all kinds of recipes!

Day 118:

We've started packing! We don't move for a few weeks yet, but Tony's classes resume next Monday, and he's going to be super busy. We're trying to get a lot of stuff ready and out of the way so we can move as stress-free as possible! 

P.s. I know this is an awful picture, but give me a break---it was group meeting day!

Day 119:

This cat totally hates me. It's just because I want to love it, the fickle thing.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 113-116: Eat Your Veggies!

I enjoy it when one of my posts is cohesive in theme over the span of a few day. The theme for the past few days....vegetables!

Day 113:

Bean greens steamed with garlic...yum!

Day 114:

I love buying fresh produce at the store, but I find that sometimes I never end up using it, and it goes to waste. This happens frequently with radishes. I love eating raw radishes (weird?), but I'm rather lazy, and whenever we get back from the store, it's normally 8 PM and we haven't even eaten dinner yet. So, Tony took the liberty of cleaning and cutting up the radishes for me this time. He was also my food stylist for this picture (haha...), which is probably why it looks like I'm actually trying in this photo :).

Day 115:

THE BASIL IS HUGE. I'm so excited. I think I can begin to pick it now! I read that it makes it grow faster. I bought some fresh tortellini at the store on Friday, so maybe tomorrow we'll have some fresh pasta with some homemade pesto,or if I'm lazy, some extra special marinara :).

Day 116:

I noticed today, after swooning over my basil yesterday, that the tomato plants are growing well too. They're furry now! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 110-112: These are a few of my favorite things...

So, I sure can't sing like Julie Andrews, but these are a few of my (new and completely materialistic in 2 out of 3 instances) favorite things...

Day 110:

This is the new lens I was telling y'all about on Sunday. It's pictured here in all of its full-zoom glory. How cool is that?

Day 111:

I like steamed veggies. This is a silicone based steaming basket that fits basically any size pan. It worked excellently for the artichoke, and is very versatile.

Day 112:

No. I will never get tired of taking pictures of brussels sprouts. You should probably stop counting's only April.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 106-109: Another Adventure...and Another Lens!

Day 106:

I have nothing to show you for this day. Sigh. It was a busy day, and I didn't get home until about an hour before I wanted to go to sleep. Photography was pushed on the back burner. Sleep was a necessity. You understand. Hopefully, the other pictures will make up for this deficit.

Day 107:


Day 108:

Finally...I took a Saturday off. Tony and I took a quick drive up to Temecula, CA, where there is a kitchen store that has literally any ridiculous gadget, knife, pot, and baking/decorating equipment you could possibly want. I stepped in, I died, and I woke in heaven.

In the same shopping center, a Ritz camera store was going out of business. We stopped in to see if they had any especially good deals, and lo and behold, they did! I bought a 70-300mm f4-5.6 sigma telephoto zoom lens with macro capability--perfect for shooting wildlife and anything else you don't want to get close to. Here are a few shots from Lake Poway:

Whut you lookin' at little lady?

Hungry. Do you see all the minnows wishing that dragonfly would just get a little closer?

Tiny lizard!

Stairs...which lead directly into the lake...

Most of these pictures don't have a caption, simply because I'm not witty enough. Sigh.

Day 109:

I'm making yogurt today. I'll let y'all know how it goes in my other blog later...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 103-105: The Randomness Continues....

Side Note:

I forgot to post this photo along with my other beach photos on Sunday. I couldn't hide this one from you. It kind of looks like an alien pod...dun dun dun!

Day 103:

Mmmm....fresh asparagus. One awesome thing about living in California is the options for (relatively) local, fresh produce year round.

Day 104:

I presented at group meeting on Tuesday. This is what I looked like. Scientist, check. Red/orange hair, check. Neurotic, bug-eyed expression, check. Flailing arms, check. Peg leg....well, no. Beaker from the Muppets is definitely bears a close resemblance to yours truly.

Day 105:

Nilla extract update. Still boring... 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 99-102

I'm tired, so the descriptions will have to be brief today...

Day 99:

Transplanting the 'maters. They were getting out of control!

Day 100:

I really enjoy cooking and baking. If I was more talented, I would probably abandon science and try to write cookbooks. There would be less pressure...until the bills had to be paid :). I guess science will have to do, at least for now.

Day 101:

This is the look Tony gave me before we left for church. We were taking care of the 3-5 year olds, and it is Easter weekend, which means there was a heck of a lot of kids. It was most definitely a spiritual experience...

Day 102:

Happy Easter! Tony and I celebrated by going to the beach on North Island. Here are a few photos that I liked in particular.

There were gulls and water birds flying all around...

I liked this lifeguard station. With a little help from photo editing software, I tried to make it have an "old time-y" feel.

On Coronado Island, the sand glitters as if it had gold in it. Tony thinks this picture looks like an aerial shot of the ocean. I guess the beauty of this picture is within the imagination of the viewer.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 96-98: Random.

Day 96:

Kale is one of my favorite vegetables, and if I'd have my way--I'd probably eat it more than once a week. Monday I used my braised kale recipe and whipped up a beautiful, healthy side dish!

Day 97:

I've been reflecting a lot on the time I've spent helping out with the 3-5 year olds at church. In the beginning, I was really afraid. I thought that I was going to be too serious for the kids, or that the worst case scenario would happen: "I need to go potty." Well, the latter was inevitable--kids have to go to the bathroom! What I didn't expect was that my heart melted within my first 15 minutes, and I look forward to spending my Saturday evening playing and making relationships with these kids.

One of my favorite songs from MY childhood growing up in a church community was "This little light of mine...I'm going to let it shine..." And every time I work with these children, I think about how I am planting a seed, even if it's just my smile or agreeing to read the story about Jonah and the Whale for the 18th time with an excited storytelling voice. I feel blessed every time I walk into that classroom.

Day 98:

So, I scrambled to make a post on chemistinthekitchen. I just haven't made anything "new" in a while. This is dissapointing on many levels, but I just can't do it all! Check out the recipe on my cooking blog!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 92-95: It all started with a tithe...

Back in February, Tony and I decided to become more involved in church. We began to tithe on a weekly basis, and signed up to help with toddlers and kindergarten aged children twice a month. Not two weeks after we became more involved and began to actively grow in our walk with God, Tony was offered a better job. In a failing economy, where people are losing their jobs, where he had put in an application to 100s of different jobs over the past 6 months, he was promoted within his company. That was blessing number one.

Blessing number two came just as unexpectedly. Last Wednesday afternoon, I came home from work and Tony was waiting outside for me. In his hand was a manila envelope, and he was grinning from ear to ear. He had heard back from the Veteran's Association about his disabled vet status. We were expecting for them to acknowledge, yes, Tony, your knees are destroyed, your feet are really screwed up, and you now have a sleeping disorder. We'll call you a vet, which means you could get a good government job, but that's about it. In fact, they did acknowledge all these things, but they also are financially compensating him. The cushion in our budget from this compensation leads to blessing number three.

We are in the market for a new apartment. We crammed furniture bought for a larger apartment in Texas to a one bedroom apartment in the boonies in San Diego. It served its purpose--it was cheap, larger than most one bedrooms we could afford closer to my school, and newly refurbished. Unfortunately, the bad outweighed the good, and we wanted to start looking around. We looked closer to school, and by the grace of God, found a two bed room apartment, on a "special deal", overlooked by two leasing agents, and found with an "Oh, my! I guess we DO have this apartment available with this amazing, ridiculous monthly rate available at the exact date you want to move in! AND we'll reduce the security deposit and give you $700 towards your first month." Hello, blessing number three!

These pictures don't really reflect these blessings, which is why I wanted to start out by telling you all directly. Amazing things happen when you realize that you are not in control, and maybe I was becoming skeptical in the scientific, disbelieving environment I was engulfed in.

I am most definitely not even slightly skeptical now. I'll keep the rest of this short, for fear that eyeballs will soon fall out from all this reading :).

Day 92:

"The 'maters are growin'..."

So is the basil! It almost looks like basil now!

Day 93:

Friday, I left work a little early. I am now in practice of making a list (no, not a totally psychotic list with 19,000 things on it like I was earlier), getting all my work done, and being okay with leaving once I finished my experiments for the day.  I actually got home before Tony, and was waiting around before going to the grocery store. I noticed these coasters we bought on an Native American reservation in the Arizona desert on our honeymoon. I like the texture.

Day 94:

I want to read a book again, darn it. I previewed this book on Google books, and really enjoyed the first chapter. The Omnivore's Dilemma is all about the history of food--very much up my alley! 

Day 95:

Ugh. Why do I keep obsessively buying spices??? Justification 1: I have coupons. Justification 2: I work hard, and I deserve a treat. 

Some women want Coach purses, and I want saffron. 

And yes, this was the best place to take the picture. Hurumph. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 89-91: Welcome to the upswing, y'all.

I do believe in the last month or two I hit rock bottom, or at least the most rock bottom it's been in my 23 years of existence. My emotional stability was questionable, and physically, I was just about done for. If you've ever had a migraine, you'll understand this. If you've ever had a migraine just about every weekend for 6 months, bring the tissues and you have my unending, genuine sympathy, because I've been there. 

With Tony's new job, we'll be getting almost an extra 2 hours of sleep and are able to exercise regularly. Even after 2 days of getting up at a more normal time, I've noticed my mood has improved and I am, in general, much more positive. Much more normal. I've finally entered the upswing. 

Yee-haw. Let's get to it:

Day 89:

I love photography. I'm pretty sure I've been fascinated with it since I was in middle school (my buddy Crissi and me would always take photos). Now that I'm (arguably) more mature, I have delved a bit deeper and explored the more complicated side of photography, via my DSLR camera.

These are some of the photos I'm most proud of, actually displayed in our home! Please take note of the spinekorn, front and center. I hope one day I'll be good enough to have much larger photos (maybe of family?) all around the house.

Day 90:

It's always really special when Tony cooks dinner. On group meeting days I'm normally in the lab much later than I would like to be, and I come home exhausted. Well, Tuesday was a group meeting day, and Tony surprised me by making some of his chili in the crock pot, which I love. I'm really blessed to have a husband who is willing to share the chores and help me out with keeping the apartment clean!

Day 91:

NO MORE WAKING UP AT 3:47 AM EVER AGAIN!!!!! Ok. Well, until I have a baby. We're very happy. Tony's got a new job that is more interesting and pays much better, and to top it all off, we heard back from the V.A. today about Tony's status as a disabled vet. We now have a significant amount of extra income every month, AND I will forever shop at the commissary. YAY! So many good things all in one day!