Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wildlife is Scary

If your name is Brittni, you probably don't want to scroll down.

-E.B. White

The spider, dropping down from twig,
Unfolds a plan of her devising,
A thin premeditated rig
To use in rising.

And all that journey down through space,
In cool descent and loyal hearted,
She spins a ladder to the place
From where she started.

Thus I, gone forth as spiders do
In spider's web a truth discerning,
Attach one silken thread to you
For my returning.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Staycation 2011

We decided to have a staycation instead of traveling this summer. Initially, I was a little bummed. I had my heart set on going somewhere new, but after I got used to the fact that I was going to be able to sleep in my own bed, get up whenever I wanted, not have to hassle with travel details and STILL be able to go exploring, I was pretty excited.

The first few days of our vacation were spent taking care of sick pupperoos (see this post on the Coneheads), and that was kind of a nightmare. 

Sunday, I got to travel up the coast a bit to big ol' Los Angeles to visit my dear friend Amy, who I only get to see normally once a year. We had a lovely time exploring Hollywood (which is dirty and much less cool than I expected it to be), eating sushi and playing at the beach!

Early in our staycation, Tony and I went to the San Diego Safari Park (i.e. The Wild Animal Park), which is about 3 miles from our house. I love animals. Maybe if I wasn't so squeamish, I could have been a vet. Alas, I am a scientist instead. 

Bonsai Gardens:

"What you lookin' at?"

We also celebrated our 4th anniversary (woot!) by going on a dinner cruise around the harbor (thanks to Tony's parents for giving us an awesome gift!). It was probably one of the happiest days I've had in a long time. The dinner was excellent (fresh salad, steak, stuffed snapper, and chocolate mousse cheesecake!), and the peacefulness of the water was totally memorable.


Being goofy:

Tony outdid himself in anniversary presents! I woke up to find he had snuck out and bought me a dozen roses, and then he bought me a lovely diamond ring. HOW LUCKY AM I, PEOPLE!??!

Ugh. My hand looks freckly and fat here. Don't judge. 

We also were able to work around the house some, which was necessary, and kind of fun! I've really started to enjoy gardening as a means of relieving stress. There's just something so satisfying about pulling weeds. I'm sure there's a metaphor for my life in there somewhere, though I'm still trying to nail it down...

Our front flowerbed area, full of cockscombs, tall grass and rosemary plants:

Cockscombs! Or, brainplants, as I like to call 'em. 

Ahh, we now have many fun memories of our first staycation! Thanks again to Tony's parents for our lovely cruise!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The dogs got neutered on Friday. I was a total wreck for most of Friday and Saturday worrying about them, cleaning up vomit, listening to whines and rustlings all night, and trying to keep them from destroying the entire house in their cones.

"Augh. I don't feel good..."

Ralphie on drugs...

Yes, that stain is from Ralph's vomit fest Saturday morning. It is now gone thanks to a carpet cleaner and a can of spot remover. Offended that I showed this picture? Tough cookies. I had to be there and clean it up, people. You are only experiencing the tip of the Ralph ralph iceberg. 

"Mom, this is seriously getting old. Stop taking pictures of my pain."



Sleepy guys.

More comfortable collar I can only wear under close supervision because I'm completely incapable of not messing with my stitches!

"Mooooom! It's not fair. I hate the cone of shame!"

Technical difficulties.

Trouble makers.

Tony and I left the boys in their cones of shame in our big bathroom with their beds and toys and water for a few hours on Monday. 

We arrived home to hear the water running. 

We opened the door to what could only be described as coneageddon. They had helped each other remove their cones (sneaky buggars) then proceeded to romp around in our bathtub, turn the faucet on, chew the mess out of their cones, flip over both of their dog beds, and rip the stuffing out of one of them.

No, I don't have a picture of this. Yes, I put a picture of a dog vomit stain but I don't have a picture of this outrageous event.

Needless to say, they now have to stay in the smaller bathroom when we go out now. Sans beds. 

It's never easy...