Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011 Part 1: Family

 We had a lovely, quiet Christmas in Missouri this year with Tony's folks. I took over 200 photos of people, places and pets while I was there, so I figured I'd milk my recent rekindled love of photography for all it is worth, in a blogging sense.

Part one of this series is called "Family" and consists of, you guessed it, pictures of people and family pets.

Tony's Mom and Dad, in some mighty fine crocheted hats.

 The family pups, Shadow and LT. They're the cutest little fellas east of the Rockies.

 Did you know Tony's dad is an artist in his spare time? I've gifted him several blank canvases with the selfish intention of having them on my own walls in the future.

 Tony's Grandma Smith. She's such a sweet, gentle lady.

Christmas morning with Tony's dad's side of the family was a whirlwind of kids, waffles, pancakes and presents!

Grandma, in complete bewilderment of how the matriarch of the family could possibly get so many gifts! We all kept telling her she must have been a really good girl this year!

 Tony playing with his sweet second-cousin!
Boop your nose! 

Would you look at that sweet face!

Coming up next: Christmass 2011 Part 2: Rural Missouri

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fall and Thanksgiving 2011

I don't have a of lot of words for the masses still. It's been a hard few months for me, and I haven't really felt like blogging, in the sense of writing about my life.

I'd still like to share some photos with you all, just to show that I'm still alive if nothing else.

My good friend Shaza and I hung out in San Juan Capistrano a few times in the past month or so. We had delicious coffee, Greek food and met a llama. Oh, and I'm trying to hook her into photography, which isn't hard, since all of the exceptional photos below were taken by her!

Dad recently made a trip down to sign his book, The Automobile and American Life, at the Peterson Automobile Museum in LA. Tony and I ventured up there with him (HATE LA TRAFFIC. UGH.), moseyed around the museum and ventured to the LA Farmer's Market. Most of my photos in the museum were, much to my husband and father's chagrin, of details that I liked. 

I've also spent some time embracing the spirit of my most favorite season. Whether that be crafting or decorating my house, the result is usually pretty ridiculous.

Tony and I traveled to Ohio for the Thanksgiving holiday. Being home after living in a different climate/state/universe for the past 7 (!?!?!!!) years threw me for a loop. Mom and I went to my old elementary school, which used to have the most awesome playground EVER. They've now torn it down and constructed a safer, less cool "Tiger's Turf II". Mom and I took the opportunity to horse around, and I present below photographic evidence why my Mom is the coolest ever.

Honeysuckle berries = quintessential winter sprigs

It wouldn't be the holidays without a grumpy picture of my husband:

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving holiday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Watch out friends--there's a menace on the loose!

His name is Ed, alias the Sock Snatcher, and he's just broken out of the back yard!

He may be spotted with his accomplice Ralphie, alias Bony the Kid. He's been known to be a jealous treat swiper, and a nap attacker.

They are both to be regarded as highly lovable. Take these precautions upon sighting SS or BtK:
1. Don't wear any clothes you care about--they will get their muddy paws on you.
2. Prepare for your face to be sniper licked (just when you least expect it..sluuuurrrppp!)
3. Arm yourself with ice cubes and popcorn, nothing else will calm these beasts!

Good luck, stay safe, and don't say I didn't warn you!

Happy (almost) Halloween!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Just another day in paradise, er, Escondido...

MOM! You're sitting down! I'm comin' to lick your face!

Saffron, eternally jaded: