Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 147-151: I'm continually without a theme these days...

Day 147:

Thankfully, I am still not sore from the events that occured on day 147. I ventured out of my comfort zone in an effort to be social, and went to a yoga class a friend was teaching. I had a really good time, but I haven't done yoga in about 2 years, and let me tell you, my body reminded me of that fact. Down dog pose is one of my favorites, and it really REALLY worked my shoulders. Nothing is better than some hot tea after a long night like that! I bought a new kettle recently, this time porcelain instead of steel, because my last one rusted. Yuck.

Day 148:

I went to check on my plants after work on Thursday, and what did I see when I opened my blinds? This little guy. I think he is only a teenager. He seemed confused and full of angst, which is fitting.

Wait, what's he doing? Eww.

Oh, he was just taking off to watch the crazy camera lady from the bird feeder. Wow. He's giving me a totally hostile look.

Day 149:

Have you met my new best friend? It's called our laundry room. Ahh. This place feels way more like home than the apartment in Poway. We can do laundry whenever we want, without worrying about trashy people opening our dryer and letting the time run out. Jerks. Whew! At least that's in the past :)!

Day 150:

The 'maters are still growing. No fruit yet. They're very fuzzy, though. Take a look:

Day 151:

I decided to be slightly indulgent and buy something from Whole Foods. No, it is not food, ironically. It's a solid perfume that smells AMAZING. It's slightly hippy, but I love the scent. Plus, it comes in this cool little carved stone. The scent is called Egyptian Goddess, and it is fantastic!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 145-146: A view from my porch

Day 145:

Happy (belated) Memorial day! Tony and I both took a half day off, and had time to go to the garden center and pick up a few more plants for the porch.

We added marigolds to ward away any evil bugs:

We also planted some strawberries. Apparently, we're going to have to buy a cover for them once they start to produce fruit, because birds enjoy strawberries as much as I do...

From my porch, I noticed some lizards sunning on a rock.

A hummingbird was guarding her territory from all of the other, larger birds. She seemed to be doing a good job.

There's a little bird feeder right below us that is populated with all kinds of birds.

I love the nature outside of my window.

Day 146:

I really love him. I like his profile. If we have a son, I hope he gets Tony's nose, and common sense :).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 127-144: I owe you 18 photos (Part 2)

Whew. Here are the last three:

This is our bedroom, with our poorly made bed. Mom, forgive me.

This is the new bathroom. You can't see it, but we have a soaking tub. A SOAKING TUB! That means my 5'9" frame will fit into it comfortably. YAAAAY!

Finally, I leave you, like any good friend would, with soft tacos.

I should be back to regular posting now, since I have no excuses :). Thanks for hanging in there!

Day 127-144: I owe you 18 photos (Part 1)

Hi Everyone!

We survived the move, thank goodness, and now have an internet connection! So, if my math is right, I do believe I owe y'all 18 photos. I'm not going to number them by days, because there is no purpose in lying to you: I did not take a picture every day of the move. I wish I did, really, but it just was not going to happen. Here are, however, 18 of my most favorite photos in no real order!


We used our kitchen for storage in the old apartment...

...It filled up rather quickly...

Tony's old army bag came in handy. By the end it was full of ~80 lbs of dirty clothes...

I said goodbye to my old kitchen, without much remorse. It was, however, inifintely better than the one in Texas, probably because it didn't have any 2 pound rats in it. Nasty.

Have you tried diet cherry Dr. Pepper yet? It's pretty much what made this move possible. Does anyone else hear my friend Amber gagging?

The Dyson was the real workhorse of the move. We had a duck-down comforter, which produced enough dust to create 5 life sized dust bunnies, and about 15 sneezing attacks between the two of us. We no longer have this comforter.

So, finally, we walked out of the door, and said goodbye to Poway.

But wait, we did leave one thing behind. Ewww. I found this LIVING silverfish in the closet. I decided he would have to take up his business with the next people that move in. Suckers.

We hired movers this time, because I am incapable of hauling some of our heavy furniture, and Tony can only do so much. So, for the price of a Uhaul and gas, we paid 2 professionals to do their thing, and boy, did they ever get the job done. 2.5 hours later all of our stuff was in our new apartment. It kind of looked like this, only worse:

See the candles on the table? So cute.

The new kitchen is fantastic. It has gas burners, which I've never had before.

It also has a little computer nook right next to it. I find this very convenient for my cooking blog :).

It also has a (already heavily used) island! Hooray!!!

We have our T.V. up on the wall now. Here the cords are all "caddywompus", as Tony would say. 

This happened today. We went to IKEA to buy curtains, and ended up getting a great deal on a bed frame for the spare bedroom. The only problem was that the dang headboard was ASSEMBLED! When does that ever happen at IKEA!?!? So, while I threw my hands up in the air, Tony used his brain and came up with a way to carefully strap it down to the top of the car. We made it all the way home (30 miles) without a scratch to the car or headboard. He's so resourceful! I felt really cool going down the 5 with a headboard on top of my Jetta.

Well, it looks like I ran out of room on this post for pictures--blogger seems to be giving me a hard time. I'll continue on a following post! (If you're counting, I still owe you 3 pictures)!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

We Made It!

We finally moved! We hired two guys with a truck to do the heavy lifting, and in under 2.5 hours, they had completely finished! I was totally impressed.

Now, for the bad news...

I won't be able to post the pictures for a few days, because we don't have internet at our new place quite yet. Right now, I'm at work catching up on my slacking from Friday, and letting Tony use the internet to get his homework turned in. There isn't a whole lot of time for photo editing, uploading, and thinking of witty things to say to impress you all :).

I promise, the pictures will be worth the wait. Maybe. Probably not, but I'm hoping that you'll take pity on me for not sleeping for more than 5 hours a night for about 10 days. (My med school buddies probably just snorted and closed the browser window.)

There will be photos, and there will be recipes. Oh, will there be recipes. My new kitchen is outstanding. OUTSTANDING. Gas burners, an island, track lighting, a window...what more could I ask for? I can't wait to start cooking and cleanse myself from all of the convenience food we've been eating. Ugh. 

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend--I can't wait to catch up!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sorry Everyone!

With moving, I'm going to have a hard time posting until next Sunday. I'll still be (attempting) to take pictures, though!

Here's the new apartment complex we're moving in to: Pinnacle at Carmel Creek

The apartment we're moving into is called the Montrose. Take note of the island in the kitchen, people.

See you in a week!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Quick Side Note

I'm not going to change the banner on my site (or the cooking site) for a while. I'm tired. 

It's going to be April for another whole month!

Day 124-126: More moving finds, and one hard worker...

Day 124:

We randomly found Tony's ID tags. Tony's reaction was "meh," but mine was of relief and excitement. I think if we have a son (or even a daughter) he or she would think it was really cool that Tony was in the army, and would probably get a kick out of his tags and medals. 

All of his other army uniforms (aside from the Class A's, I think) are gone now, and the only thing that remains are the pins, patches and medals. 

It made me wonder, what would be left if I stopped doing science? Sure, there would be a few textbooks, model kits, a forest's worth of paper, an incubator with exactly 3 10 cm dishes of dead cells, maybe an award or two.  Definitely not as cool as a joint service medal, that's for sure.

Day 125:

The green rhino. I bought this as a gift for Tony while we were dating. I was back home in Ohio for the holidays, and my dad and I went to a big antique area north of Dayton. I found an old Avon men's cologne bottle in the shape of a rhino, and new I had to buy it! Little did I know the darn thing would be located on a bookshelf in my living room a few years later...

Day 126:

Tony's hard at work. I mean, really hard at work. He's taking 4 classes (which translates to more than 18 hours at a brick-and-mortar school), and he's working a new job for 40 hours a week--not to mention the presently awful commute. I'm really proud of him for being so diligent, and happy about his new job. It most definitely makes things easier to burden from my perspective :).

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 120-123: Moving hoovers.

So this post details a few items I've found while cleaning up and packing for our move. Currently, our 800 square foot apartment looks like a war zone, in case any of you were wondering. 

I have found a few things that I hadn't thought of since we moved from Texas, maybe longer...

Day 120:

This was a gift for our guests from our wedding. I love it. I have such fond memories of a few girlfriends coming over and forming a sweat-shopesque assembly line to make these bad boys. That's what friends are for, I suppose...

Day 121:

If you know what this means, leave a comment, because I'm so happy that you are reading my blog! There are only a handful of people in the world who know what this old (circa 2000) IBC rootbeer bottle means to me, and why I will NEVER throw it away. O-chem notes, yes. IBC bottle, no.

Day 122:

Why on earth did I think hanging a windchime up in our bedroom was a good idea? That, as it is, is dumb. The worst part is, I left the dang tag on. For a year. Ugh, I truly amaze myself sometimes. 

Day 123:

The current status of our dining room:
