Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Resolution

It's the New Year! And yes, as cliche as it is, I'm making a resolution. The past 6 months have been very challenging, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My loving husband has done his best to keep things cheerful in the house, and he is constantly surprising me with new fun things to do, whether it is driving out into the mountains, or just taking a walk around the neighborhood.

He also believes that I never really take time for myself, and that I never really buy anything that I shamelessly *want*. This, for the most part, is true. Mostly my money is spent on bills, groceries, and gifts for others. I'm the "saver" of the family. He's very attentive to any hobby I strike an interest in (i.e. I express an interest in cooking, and I have almost every known kitchen gadget and utensil known to man), and he happened to notice that I enjoy photography.

This lead to my birthday/Christmas present this year, a very nice Sony alpha350 DSLR camera. It's beautiful, and complicated. I'm getting the hang of it though, thanks to the internet and trial-and-error experiences. In an effort to get a lot of use out of this new camera, and to have more fun during my time here, I am making a resolution.

Every day for the next year, I want to take a photo. There are a
few clauses to this resolution. I will more than likely not post every day on this blog. I will, however, update as often with I can will all of the photos I've taken up to that date. I cannot have this be a burden in any way, otherwise I'm much less likely to follow through. The photos are not all going to be magical. If I'm tired, they may be of a wall, my foot, or our messy apartment. Some with be straight out of the camera (SOC), and others will be edited. As is described by the name of the blog, photography provides us a mirror with a memory, and the collection of these photos will document a year out of my life as a wife, student and scientist.

Here is a starter photo, even though I did not take it today and it's not technically the New Year yet.

This is a photo of a cactus in Borrego Springs, CA, out in the desert area.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lab Stories

Adventures as a graduate student.

Running Stories

Here's where I tell you about all my running adventures training for a 1/2 marathon. I'm shamelessly copying my best friend, Brittni.