Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Scarves

Time for some pupper pictures. 

I'm in a funk. Blog funk-definitely. Life funk-maybe? Nothing helps both of these funks like some puppies.

Dad is leaving San Diego tomorrow. Ralph and Dad got along so well, I think they are really going to miss one another. I bet money Ralph will remember my dad, even if he doesn't see him for another year. I've never seen Ralph bond to anyone else like he did with Dad. 

Ralph could totally be in a magazine:

Ed doesn't like posing. But look at that FACE. He gets me every time with that mug. 

Bandannas are a traditional accessory for big dogs, especially retrievers. Since they were only $1 at Wal-Mart, I thought I'd try them out on the puppies.


"Gimme that, Ralph."





I love my sweet boys.

"How YOU doin'?"