Sunday, July 14, 2013

Playful Pups

Summers in inland Southern California are waaarrrrmmm. And by warm, I mean blazing hot. And dry.

Normally we keep the pups down on the dog run during the day when we're at work--it's constantly shaded, cooler and we have a little dog-shanty for them there to help beat the heat.

Those boys love to play, though. Even during the brutal heat of summer, they are ready for a game of fetch! I, however, am a different story.

I try to humor them a little bit, all the while making sure they don't get overheated.

They love to play fetch with their "fwibbie". Side note: that is a name my husband calls their frisbee. My husband is not one for baby-talk, except when he's around Ed. Then he's all mushy. I would advise not bringing this up much as he will 1) deny, deny, deny and 2) give you "the look".

We also purchased a $10 kidde-pool so the boys could play a bit in the water while we are supervising them.

Yes, that is a layer of dirt on the bottom--don't judge.

Ralphie loves the water, but Ed...well, not so much.

Ed gingerly tries to retrieve the fwibbe from the evil water.

Ralph really gets in there...

I hope you all are enjoying your summer and beating the heat!