Thursday, March 17, 2011

Safari Park

Hi Friends!

This past week I went with Amber, her mom, Shaza and Steph to the Safari Park (formerly the Wild Animal Park), and we had a great time!

There were so many neat animals to see!

Exotic ducks.

Exotic pigeons (really).

Creepy African owls that look like robots.

Below are some of my favorite pictures from the trip:

(I feel like this giraffe and I have far too much in common.)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Catch Up

Hi, Friends.

It's been a very long week. Lots of long days at work, and not time for much rest at home have made it a rather dull week in terms of blogging material.

I do have some photos I've snapped over the past few weekends that I'd like to share. There really isn't much rhyme or reason here, I just wanted to post something to let you know I'm alive and well.

Dad and Tony have been working out in the garage almost every weekend together. They seem to enjoy working on cars, though perhaps Tony more than my Dad some days...

 We've had lots of rain recently, which is a great thing for all of our plants, but it requires more upkeep for our front yard's lawn, and all of the random weeds around our driveway.

Boy, do we have avocados. Tasty ones.

The jasmine plants have bloomed, and our entire front yard is lovely and fragrant.

The trees and plants are vibrant, and the birds are singing...

And Ed has his bone.

"Om nom nom nom"

"What? It's good!"