Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 106-109: Another Adventure...and Another Lens!

Day 106:

I have nothing to show you for this day. Sigh. It was a busy day, and I didn't get home until about an hour before I wanted to go to sleep. Photography was pushed on the back burner. Sleep was a necessity. You understand. Hopefully, the other pictures will make up for this deficit.

Day 107:


Day 108:

Finally...I took a Saturday off. Tony and I took a quick drive up to Temecula, CA, where there is a kitchen store that has literally any ridiculous gadget, knife, pot, and baking/decorating equipment you could possibly want. I stepped in, I died, and I woke in heaven.

In the same shopping center, a Ritz camera store was going out of business. We stopped in to see if they had any especially good deals, and lo and behold, they did! I bought a 70-300mm f4-5.6 sigma telephoto zoom lens with macro capability--perfect for shooting wildlife and anything else you don't want to get close to. Here are a few shots from Lake Poway:

Whut you lookin' at little lady?

Hungry. Do you see all the minnows wishing that dragonfly would just get a little closer?

Tiny lizard!

Stairs...which lead directly into the lake...

Most of these pictures don't have a caption, simply because I'm not witty enough. Sigh.

Day 109:

I'm making yogurt today. I'll let y'all know how it goes in my other blog later...

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