Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 113-116: Eat Your Veggies!

I enjoy it when one of my posts is cohesive in theme over the span of a few day. The theme for the past few days....vegetables!

Day 113:

Bean greens steamed with garlic...yum!

Day 114:

I love buying fresh produce at the store, but I find that sometimes I never end up using it, and it goes to waste. This happens frequently with radishes. I love eating raw radishes (weird?), but I'm rather lazy, and whenever we get back from the store, it's normally 8 PM and we haven't even eaten dinner yet. So, Tony took the liberty of cleaning and cutting up the radishes for me this time. He was also my food stylist for this picture (haha...), which is probably why it looks like I'm actually trying in this photo :).

Day 115:

THE BASIL IS HUGE. I'm so excited. I think I can begin to pick it now! I read that it makes it grow faster. I bought some fresh tortellini at the store on Friday, so maybe tomorrow we'll have some fresh pasta with some homemade pesto,or if I'm lazy, some extra special marinara :).

Day 116:

I noticed today, after swooning over my basil yesterday, that the tomato plants are growing well too. They're furry now! 

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