Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 89-91: Welcome to the upswing, y'all.

I do believe in the last month or two I hit rock bottom, or at least the most rock bottom it's been in my 23 years of existence. My emotional stability was questionable, and physically, I was just about done for. If you've ever had a migraine, you'll understand this. If you've ever had a migraine just about every weekend for 6 months, bring the tissues and you have my unending, genuine sympathy, because I've been there. 

With Tony's new job, we'll be getting almost an extra 2 hours of sleep and are able to exercise regularly. Even after 2 days of getting up at a more normal time, I've noticed my mood has improved and I am, in general, much more positive. Much more normal. I've finally entered the upswing. 

Yee-haw. Let's get to it:

Day 89:

I love photography. I'm pretty sure I've been fascinated with it since I was in middle school (my buddy Crissi and me would always take photos). Now that I'm (arguably) more mature, I have delved a bit deeper and explored the more complicated side of photography, via my DSLR camera.

These are some of the photos I'm most proud of, actually displayed in our home! Please take note of the spinekorn, front and center. I hope one day I'll be good enough to have much larger photos (maybe of family?) all around the house.

Day 90:

It's always really special when Tony cooks dinner. On group meeting days I'm normally in the lab much later than I would like to be, and I come home exhausted. Well, Tuesday was a group meeting day, and Tony surprised me by making some of his chili in the crock pot, which I love. I'm really blessed to have a husband who is willing to share the chores and help me out with keeping the apartment clean!

Day 91:

NO MORE WAKING UP AT 3:47 AM EVER AGAIN!!!!! Ok. Well, until I have a baby. We're very happy. Tony's got a new job that is more interesting and pays much better, and to top it all off, we heard back from the V.A. today about Tony's status as a disabled vet. We now have a significant amount of extra income every month, AND I will forever shop at the commissary. YAY! So many good things all in one day!

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