Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 73-76

This weekend Tony surprised me by going on not one, but TWO mini-trips to try and get me feeling better. I'm a really lucky lady to have him around.

Monday and Tuesday were not good days in the happiness department, and I, therefore, don't have any really interesting photos to post. We'll pretend that day 75 and 76 didn't happen, and I'll just put up a bunch of photos from the weekend. You'll forgive me, right?

Day 73:

Tony and I went on a little hike on one of the trails in the Lake Poway area by our apartment. The flowers were bloomin', the birds were singing (quacking/honking), and it was a really pleasant afternoon after a busy morning at work.

This is one of my favorite photos, and I can't really find a reason. It's not edited, which means it was actually a good photo to begin with! Success is welcomed with open arms in any area of my life right now. Sometimes, I congratulate myself for getting out of bed.

Look at this twisty beast. Nature is amazing.

There were fields of flowers covering the mountain sides. The whole countryside was purple, yellow, green and red. 

This photo was taken by the lake, this little fella was about 30 miles from the ocean. I guess he didn't mind since there were about 5o million kids wanting to feed him stale bread..


Tony: "That rite thurs a Spinekorn." 

Just trying to keep you entertained...Spinekorn catcher.

Day 74: Point Loma

Thank goodness for the calming of the ocean. Here are a few pictures from the Cabrillo National Monument in Point Loma
The ocean was calm.

Though there were a few waves, and a few surfers.

Flowers bloomed even by the ocean! 

All in all, it was a really lovely, migraine free weekend :). Hurray! (Remember day 75 and 76 don't exist for all intensive purposes. It's much more productive and healthy to dwell on the good rather than the bad.)

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