Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 68-70: Recovery

I feel like graduate school is effectively killing me. It's sapping me of my spirit, changing my personality into a bitter, jaded individual, and it's physically causing me troubles (i.e. migraines). Why? BECAUSE I LET IT!

I'm choosing to allow graduate school (the stress and people involved therein) to get the best of me. I've been working very hard on myself the past few weeks. I've tried to make positive changes, like going to bed earlier, exercising more regularly/vigorously, eating normally, focusing my eyes on God, participating in church, but something still has to give. I can't figure out what's wrong, but I'll let y'all know when I do.

For now, I'll just try not to be a whiny baby. I hate it when I'm a whiny baby.

Day 68:

I had a headache Sunday afternoon and into Monday. We don't have curtains in our apartment (I know, you might as well pass wife of the year award right on down to me...), and Monday afternoon my head was exploding. Tony, being resourceful and wonderful, put this blanket up to help me feel better. It blocks out a lot of the light (unfortunately, not the noise), and helped me relax. He's so great.

Day 69:

This is the work horse. Tony and I built this computer together in the fall (okay, he built it, I just thought I was building it), and we use it on a daily basis. It has all of my photo editing software on it, and a huge processor and lots of memory space so I can edit my photos quickly and efficiently. Plus, it lights up blue and has about 18 fans to cool it off, including a heat sink that's shaped like a butterfly. Guess who picked that part out?

Day 70:

I was too exhausted/blue to cook dinner tonight, so Tony made leftovers for himself, and a quesadilla (or, as he likes to call it a 'diller) for me. See? I told you he's really great :).

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