Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 92-95: It all started with a tithe...

Back in February, Tony and I decided to become more involved in church. We began to tithe on a weekly basis, and signed up to help with toddlers and kindergarten aged children twice a month. Not two weeks after we became more involved and began to actively grow in our walk with God, Tony was offered a better job. In a failing economy, where people are losing their jobs, where he had put in an application to 100s of different jobs over the past 6 months, he was promoted within his company. That was blessing number one.

Blessing number two came just as unexpectedly. Last Wednesday afternoon, I came home from work and Tony was waiting outside for me. In his hand was a manila envelope, and he was grinning from ear to ear. He had heard back from the Veteran's Association about his disabled vet status. We were expecting for them to acknowledge, yes, Tony, your knees are destroyed, your feet are really screwed up, and you now have a sleeping disorder. We'll call you a vet, which means you could get a good government job, but that's about it. In fact, they did acknowledge all these things, but they also are financially compensating him. The cushion in our budget from this compensation leads to blessing number three.

We are in the market for a new apartment. We crammed furniture bought for a larger apartment in Texas to a one bedroom apartment in the boonies in San Diego. It served its purpose--it was cheap, larger than most one bedrooms we could afford closer to my school, and newly refurbished. Unfortunately, the bad outweighed the good, and we wanted to start looking around. We looked closer to school, and by the grace of God, found a two bed room apartment, on a "special deal", overlooked by two leasing agents, and found with an "Oh, my! I guess we DO have this apartment available with this amazing, ridiculous monthly rate available at the exact date you want to move in! AND we'll reduce the security deposit and give you $700 towards your first month." Hello, blessing number three!

These pictures don't really reflect these blessings, which is why I wanted to start out by telling you all directly. Amazing things happen when you realize that you are not in control, and maybe I was becoming skeptical in the scientific, disbelieving environment I was engulfed in.

I am most definitely not even slightly skeptical now. I'll keep the rest of this short, for fear that eyeballs will soon fall out from all this reading :).

Day 92:

"The 'maters are growin'..."

So is the basil! It almost looks like basil now!

Day 93:

Friday, I left work a little early. I am now in practice of making a list (no, not a totally psychotic list with 19,000 things on it like I was earlier), getting all my work done, and being okay with leaving once I finished my experiments for the day.  I actually got home before Tony, and was waiting around before going to the grocery store. I noticed these coasters we bought on an Native American reservation in the Arizona desert on our honeymoon. I like the texture.

Day 94:

I want to read a book again, darn it. I previewed this book on Google books, and really enjoyed the first chapter. The Omnivore's Dilemma is all about the history of food--very much up my alley! 

Day 95:

Ugh. Why do I keep obsessively buying spices??? Justification 1: I have coupons. Justification 2: I work hard, and I deserve a treat. 

Some women want Coach purses, and I want saffron. 

And yes, this was the best place to take the picture. Hurumph. 

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