Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 54-56

Unfortunately, I feel a bit drained today. It's midweek, I'm exhausted, and just a *little* down and out.

I have big decisions to make, but I have to wait until I'm all nice and pulled together to make them. No big decisions should ever be made while riding an emotional roller coaster without a dang harness. 

Geez, enough of this vagueness. Onward to the mediocre photos:

Day 54:

I came home with a 1.5 day migraine on Monday to find Tony dramatically smashing our keyboard. I'm still not a 100% sure what happened, but believe you me--that keyboard got whatever was coming to it and then some! There was a roar, a snap and a shower of keys by our apartment's dumpster. Awesome. I had to go to the Wals-Marts to buy us another one...

Day 55:

The empty ash tray. Yes, I know it looks disgusting, but I like keeping it around (um, outside). Every time I see it I'm reminded of how long Tony HASN'T smoked. As of today, Tony hasn't smoked a cigarette in 52 days. I'm so proud of him.

Day 56:

What can cure a breakdown? Shopping therapy, among other things. Tony and I went to Costco this afternoon after I left work about 2 hours early. The funny (actually, very sad) part is that I still put in a full 8 hour day. I bought a vat of laundry detergent and a rotisserie chicken for dinner :). See the ethereal blurriness around the detergent? That, my friends, is shoppin' therapy.

One more for good measure. I still love my ring. I will always love my ring. It is without a doubt my most precious and valuable personal possession (i.e. I would straight up die if anything happened to it). I even wear it under my lab gloves, even though it has a tendency to squish my hand a little bit. I feel a bit vulnerable without it. The ring has molded to me--it signifies my transition into the role of wife, and it represents a decision I will never question. 

Plus, it's shiny :). 

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