Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wild Animal Park

Our new home is about 5 minutes from the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park--an open space preserve where animals can roam more freely than they can at the Balboa Park zoo, and where they can be with other animals found in their natural habitats.

I am all about the Wild Animal Park. I hate seeing animals caged up. It makes my heart sick.

Anyway, here are some photos from our trip there with Tony's parents--enjoy!

Lovely trumpet flower:

The birds were beautiful, and some were very strange looking!

For the guy below, I was all "Aww. Poor little guy, you only have one eye!"

Then, I was all "Ooooh. You're a creepy little guy aren't you?"

Obviously, these two were up to no good.

There were a variety of antelopes, deer, and gazelles scattered throughout the park:

This picture makes me laaaaauuuuggh :).

Wild ass.

Giraffes! Amber thinks I resemble a giraffe, because of their long necks and reticulation. Sigh. She may be right.

The rhinos. Totally. Awesome.

Oh, hey! And some Ryno's were there too!

The gorillas were just starting to be active when we got there. They kind of scare me.

The people next to us kept calling these guys "groundhogs". Ohmygosh. Have you not heard of Meerkat Manor!?! AHHRGGHH.

It was a great outing! Since Tones and I live nearby and have Zoo membership, I hope we will visit a few more times and see more of the park!

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