Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 204-217: Where have you been?

I've been at home, busy prioritizing my life. Unfortunately, keeping up this site and my cooking site became a chore, and that's not what I wanted this experience to be. I wanted this to be FUN. I think I'm ready to post some more things now, if that's alright with you guys.

So last time I left you with photos from our trip to Missouri. I think the hiatus was due to me resisting returning to normal life. I liked being far away from California and school, and I wasn't really ready to deal with being back to the daily grind.

Tony's back to work finishing up his degree:

Meanwhile, I'm getting into the regular habit of daily devotions and journaling. Yes, those are curtain rods in the background. No, I haven't put up curtains yet. Just allow the bad home-keeper demons take me away in my sleep, because that's what I'll be doing...sleeping instead of wasting my dwindling energy on putting up some freakin' curtains.

I've still been cooking, but mostly just the same-old-same-old. I did make a rockin' eggplant parmesan recently. You should try it's DELICIOUS.

I love shopping at Henry's. They have such good deals on produce, and apparently, they sell heart shaped plums.

After we got back from Missouri, most of our plants looked like this:


After a little watering,

And a little pruning by Tones,

They began to revive!

We even have jalapenos! I just read a really neat article by Simply Recipes on how to tell the heat of a jalapeno, you should check it out.

No matter what kind of picture I'm taking of Tony, I usually get this face. Just go back through the archives if you don't believe me.

I have another alien pod. I hate them.

So this weekend I went to a special running store in San Diego called Road Runner Sports. Now, those of you who know me well are asking "What the heck are you doing in a running store?Everyone who's ever encountered your amazing athleticism knows that the only thing you could possibly be doing in a running store is walking out of it." Yes, I know. I have a handful of people who have testified that running has changed their life entirely. So, in an effort to increase my energy and exploit the southern California coastal weather, I am going to try to run. Jog. Walk-run. Crawl. Well, I have a plan. I'm basically following a method that works you up to running two miles in about two months. I know, I'm going slow about it, but I would really like to not quit running...again. I tried for a bit in San Antonio with Tony, but I ended up crying after about one mile. Sigh.

Anyway, I got my feet totally examined by the running people. They made me run on a treadmill and analyzed how I run in slow-mo to find the best fitting shoe for me. The current and only pair of athletic shoes I own are about 6 years old and are beginning to fall apart. I guess the elliptical machine doesn't cause a bunch of wear and tear...

So, I bought some new ones, one size bigger than my normal shoes to account for my feet swelling when I run, and with arch supports because, guess what...I have high arches and I never knew!

So, um, pray for me, okay? I'd really like to have more energy during the day and evening, and I'd really like to try and run several miles by the end of the fall. I'll let you know how it's going, and I promise I won't take pictures of my blisters.

And on that note, see you next week!


  1. I just decided to start running too! I have my new shoes and am doing the "couch to 5k" running plan!

  2. I'm so glad you got a good fitting shoe at the Running store. I'll be praying for your stamina to build.

    I love seeing your photo blog and being able to share in your life this way! Love you! Momma
    (P.S. I need a tutorial on this posting business!)

  3. hey girl, hope you are doing well. I am so glad you are running. maybe my next trip to San Diego will involve us doing a race together. that would be awesome. just a little motivation :) of course, I am coming regardless...2010 is my year. be ready, you never know when you'll "run" into me. much love sista.

