Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Macro Lens and "The Coug"


I've been playing around with my new 30mm f/2.8 macro lens recently, and I've learned that I don't really know how to use it well yet. These things just require practice and patience, just like all tasks in life. I wanted to share with you some of my favorite photos from my practicing with the new lens, along with a few other odds and ends that have happened in my life recently.

This is Saffron. You've met her before. You may not know that she's what the cat-gurus call a "talker" (yep, that's technical. I think.). Anyway, she is indeed part Siamese (read: crossed-eyed banshee), which means she is rather vocal. She just wanted to say hello to all of you.

I love her perfect, blue, crossed eyes, and the freckles on her nose.

I took the opportunity to photograph Tony's cigarette. The embers were still glowing.

I tried to take photographs of my eyes. It didn't work out so well. Some of the modern/amateur photographers I follow online ONLY take photos of themselves. They're also under 18, and far too narcissistic, in my opinion. It doesn't mean I don't want to copy them. Sigh. My eye photos didn't work out, and Lord knows I'm not going to photograph my nose, so you get my mouth.

I'm not going to lie. I photoshopped out the candy apple red Cover Girl lipstick all over my teeth. Just being real, here.

World, meet our new 1967 Mercury Cougar. I'm still working on a name for him. It's hard to get past names that go with the black primer like "Snuff" and "Brutus"...well...okay that's all I came up with. Basically, he looks like he'd rip to shreds all the foo-foo BMWs and Range Rovers running around here in San Diego. I'm working on the name, but I'm all for suggestions.

I think the radio is pretty cool. We have no idea if it works.

This was the previous owner's idea of a floor mat and upholstery work: a carpet sample and duck tape. Yee-haw.

I'll keep you updated on how our project goes.

After I took about 100 photos of the car, I had to shake all of the man-powered, sheer brute force of the Coug and take some foo-foo photos.

P.s. I made a real photo album of all the photos I shot in 2009 that I thought were decent. I ended up with exactly 365 printed photos without trying to count. I am amazed.

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