Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 239-251: Reflection.

I'm sorry I didn't post last weekend. Tony had a loss in his family, and I thought my time was much better spent with him than writing on this dang blog.

This being said, he's in Missouri right now, and I'm by my lonesome. I wish I could have been there, but the timing and the fiances were just no good.

Speaking of no good, I've been pretty awful about taking photos for the past few weeks. You'll forgive me, right? It's hard to keep up my running routine (I CAN RUN 2 MILES NOW!!??!), cook (which I don't really do anymore) and find time to take photos of cool stuff. Anyway, I hope you like the ones I've posted today. I'm not counting how many there are, but there are a few gems in there that probably count for double (or maybe quadruple).

Here are some oldies:

This is what I looked like when I was seventeen. Not much difference, even though this photo was taken nearly seven years ago.

I wrote a little story for my Dad's blog about my first car, a 1990 Ford Mustang convertible. Here's a few photos of me and my car back in high school.

I think what's changed most about me over the past few years is that my face has become much more angular and mature. I show you this next photo because I trust you, and Lord knows it should give you a good laugh. I was a relatively chubby kid, okay? I did ballet from the time I was about 2 until 16 or 17. Can you imagine me in a leotard at 10, the same age I am in this picture? I'm not trying to be self deprecating, but realistically, I must have looked like a light pink snausage. Don't get me started on my choice of clothing. I was playing dress-up, people. Back off.

I just got my hair cut today. I really, really love it. I feel sophisticated and modern. Too bad I'm still a graduate student. Ugh.

While dorking around on Photoshop, I noticed that my hair is alarmingly orange. See what happens when I sap all of the color out of a picture, except for the real color of my hair?
See. It's not fake, people. Lawsie mercy.

Man, it's boring around here without Tony. Look! Let's go back to ballet days and put our feet in first position! AHRGH! I'm holding up the sun with my first position feet!!! I need a hobby. Photography doesn't count, so just go ahead and put a sock in it.

I can't believe it's September. The pumpkin is allowed to come out now!

This is my pal, Sophie. We attempted an Indian dish called Aloo Palak last night. We may or may not have failed.

Then Sophie made ridiculous Congo bars. Sophie: "Ok, well I don't want to waste any of the ingredients, so I'm going to dump the entirety of any bag I brought with me into a pan and call it good." Oh boy, they were good.

Sophie can run, but she can't hide. Gotcha! The girl cracks me up :).

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