Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Tony!

Today is Tony's 27th birthday! In his honor, I've posted some old photos I've taken over the past 5 (or so) years we've been together and a list of 27 reasons why I love him. It was hard to just choose 27! God has blessed me so much by putting Tony in my life, and it is hard to express that in a simple list!
I love you, Tony! Happy Birthday!

1. He constantly makes me laugh.
2. He is a servant of God.
3. He is an excellent provider.
4. He always goes grocery shopping with me, and never complains.
5. He makes up funny lyrics to songs and sings them to me in the car.

6. He randomly cleans the entire house. Hallelujah!
7. He is completely kind and giving to complete strangers.
8. He can carry more than his body weight in boxes on his shoulder AND still get the door for me.
9. He has been supportive of every professional and personal decision I’ve made.
10. He can do one-handed push-ups. That’s just cool.

11. He likes going on long drives with me to no place in particular.
12. He likes holding my hand in public.
13. He kills bugs.
14. He can pretty much fix anything—from computers to cars and everything in between (including sewing machines!).
15. He gives outstanding foot massages.

16. He goes running with me even though he hates it.
17. He does the taxes.
18. He helps me plant and kill our yearly potted garden.
19. He loves to play with Saffron.
20. He enjoys spending time with my friends.

21. He calls me “Pook” when he’s trying to get my attention from across the store.
22. He teaches Sunday school with me to a bunch of 3-5 year olds, and cleans up all the pee.
23. He supported my time as a vegetarian, defended me, and did not complain once.
24. He lets me sleep on the couch after a hard day of work.
25. He goes on photography adventures with me.

26. He spends hours with me in craft stores.
27. He’s patient and loving towards me, even when I can be a brat.

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