Sunday, October 18, 2009

I love fall!

Fall is by far my favorite season. Living in southern California is a bummer for this simple reason. I miss all of the beautiful colors fall in Ohio produced. I miss the crisp, cool air, and the anticipation of winter. Tony and I have decided that after I'm all done Ph.Ding over here, that we'll most likely try to move back to the Midwest or the south. Only a few more years (decades, eons) until that happens.

I've definitely tried to create the fall feeling recently, by putting out our blown-glass pumpkins, and eating all the apples I can handle (which also happen to be on sale). Recently I made a brown apple Betty with a friend using Granny Smiths.

Don't worry, I'll post the recipe eventually...

There are moments when fall is captured here naturally, even though we aren't in the fall climate I'm used to experiencing. I love how the sunlight catches the grass on the hill outside my balcony on Sunday mornings. As the days get shorter, I am increasingly thankful for the bright light.

Flowers are still in full bloom around here, which is common for October in San Diego. Thankfully, the people who take care of the apartment property are better at watering the plants than I am.

The birds are still populating the feeder outside our balcony. I like to watch them play with one another (i.e. have a mortal combat for birdseed).

My favorite bird that hangs around these parts is still the hummingbird. Even with my telephoto lens, it's still hard to capture them, thus the lomo-effect I added with photo editing software to hide the blurriness.

Enjoy the fall weather!


  1. Beautiful photos! I'll remind you of what good mild weather you have once we are in the deep freeze of winter. I fear this winter will be a doozy with daily highs below zero for days on end. We haven't had one of those since the first year we moved here, we are overdue!
    Loving you both....Momma

  2. I just loved the golden glow of the sun on the hillside grasses! Great photo!...Momma
