Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Maintaining Radio Silence

Well, it's been a while.

There are lots of reasons for my absence, but the overarching theme is this: work (i.e. graduate school) is getting in the way.

Until I graduate, I will probably not be the best at maintaining this blog (or any of the other ones, for that matter). Since most of the people who read this blog know me well outside of the internet, I'm not feeling too guilty about not updating.

Sometimes, life just gets busy.

I took pictures today for the first time in a month, and enjoyed doing so for the first time in many months. This week I'm at home writing. I've extracted myself from the environment that causes me so much grief on a daily basis, and let me tell y'all, it makes a difference.

So here are a few photos from today:

My front flowerbed is a jungle.

This picture makes me yearn for lazy days in August. Someone: make that (laziness) happen.

My ridiculous-ass tomato plants are here on the left. Sorry for the foul language--there's just no other way to describe them. They are taller than me (5'9") and show no signs of slowing their growth. Tomato jungle.

 My neighbor's lovely purple tree.

Meet Smitty. He's our 1967 Ford F100. He fits in with our family better than any of our other cars, strangely enough. To me represents everything classic, hardworking and American.

 Sometimes it's okay to keep just the little things in focus in order to hurdle the big things.

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