Sunday, March 4, 2012

Treading Water

There are weeks when I feel like I've really got a hold on things--I'm able to balance work and home, I feel connected with my friends and family, and I've got a steady personal relationship with God.

Then, in contrast, there are weeks (days, months?) that seem completely out of control. During these times I'll work 7 days a week, compulsively, frantically, in the early morning, and normally without much more progress than I would have had, had I worked a "normal" 55 h week. 

Guess which type of week has consumed me for the last 3.75 years?

Exhaustion. I'm beginning to realize that I feel less than good over 80% of the time. That is just ridiculous, people. Why am I doing this to myself? Is a Ph.D. really worth it?

Maybe. I keep thinking I'll magically defend in the beginning of this December, and then the Mayans will be laughing in their temples' antechambers as the world purges itself of humanity on December 12. What good will a Ph.D. in chemical biology do when there's a zombie apocalypse? After a nuclear holocaust? 

Oh, right. That's all bull honkey. Sorry, in an attempt to carve a great mind, I've managed to lose mine.  

I found this awesome glasses manufacturer, Warby Parker. They send you 5 pairs to try on at home for free. I liked 3 out of the 5. Sigh. Decisions. 

I also goofed around some, which was medicine for my soul. Hopefully, some of my goofiness will rub off on you...

Frame 1: A blond tortoise-shell that matched my hair color 

 Frame 2: Much bigger (which I thought would look better because my eyes are muy grande)

 Frame 3: (My top choice), Just big enough to be eye-catching, but classic enough to last for many years.

Hey. Get back to work.



  1. I love you :).

    (#3 is my first choice too.)

  2. I like frame 3. I think it looks best with your eyes

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
